Title: - Various mechanistic approaches adopted worldwide for the detection and treatment of COVID-19 outbreak.
Date: - 18th July 2022
Title: - Conventional drug designing vs in silico drug designing for the discovery of COVID-19 medication.
Date: - 25th July 2022
Title: - Immunobooster formulations for Covid-19.
Date: - 30th July 2022
Title: - Regulatory Affairs during Pandemic Era.
Date: - 08th August 2022
Title: - Role of Phytopharmaceuticals in COVID-19.
Date: - 12th August 2022
Title: - COVID-19 & Impact on Academic Research.
Date: - 13th August 2022
Title: - Nose to Brain Delivery of Drugs-Myths and Facts.
Date: - 12th September 2022
Title: - Pharmacist directed medication management services.
Date: - 15th September 2022
Title: - Transforming local health during a pandemic.
Date: - 16th September 2022
Established under the aegis of the Society, the College has been a nurturing ground for pharmaceutical professionals. Has been accredited for 2 years by the Pharmacy Council of India (PCI), BTE Lucknow.
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